Saturday, December 28, 2019

13 cognitive biases that really screw things up for you

13 cognitive biases that really screw things up for you13 cognitive biases that really screw things up for youThe human brain is a natural wonder. It produces more than 50,000 thoughts each day and 100,000 chemical reactions each second. With this amount of processing power, you would think our judgment would be highly accurate, but thats far from the case.Our judgments are often inaccurate because the brain relies on cognitive biases over hard evidence. Cognitive bias is the tendency to make irrational judgments in consistent patterns.Researchers have found that cognitive bias wreaks havoc by forcing people to make poor, irrational judgmentsA Queensland University study found that blonde women earned, on average, 7% higher salaries than redheads and bandrangettes.A Duke study found that people with mature faces experienced more career success than those with baby faces. Baby faces were defined as those with small chins, wider cheeks, and bigger eyes. Mature faces were those with big ger chins, narrower facial features, and smaller eyes.A Yale study found that female scientists were not only more likely to hire male scientists but they also paid them $4,000 more than female scientists.Its highly unlikely that the people in these studies actually wanted to pay blondes more money, enable people with mature faces to succeed at the expense of those with baby faces, or hire male scientists disproportionally and pay them more money. Our unconscious biases are often so strong that they lead us to act in ways that are inconsistent with reason as well as our values and beliefs.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Lets explore some of the most common types of cognitive biases that entrench themselves in our lives. Awareness is the best way to beat these biases, so pay careful attention to how they influence you.The decoy effect. This occurs when someone believes they hav e two options, but you present a third option to make the second one feel more palatable. For example, you visit a car lot to consider two cars, one listed for $30,000 and the other for $40,000. At first, the $40,000 car seems expensive, so the salesman shows you a $65,000 car. Suddenly, the $40,000 car seems reasonable by comparison. This salesman is preying on your decoy bias- the decoy being the $65,000 car that he knows you wont buy.Affect heuristic. Affect heuristic is the human tendency to base our decisions on our emotions. For example, take a study conducted at Shukutoku University, Japan. Participants judged a disease that killed 1,286 people out of every 10,000 as being more dangerous than one that was 24.14% fatal (despite this representing twice as many deaths). People reacted emotionally to the image of 1,286 people dying, whereas the percentage didnt arouse the same mental imagery and emotions.Fundamental attribution error. This is the tendency to attribute situational behavior to a persons fixed personality. For example, people often attribute poor work wertzuwachs to laziness when there are so many other possible explanations. It could be the individual in question is receiving projects they arent passionate about, their rocky home life is carrying over to their work life, or theyre burnt out.The ideometer effect. This refers to the fact that our thoughts can make us feel real emotions. This is why actors envision terrible scenarios, such as the death of a loved one, in order to make themselves cry on cue and activities such as cataloging what youre grateful for can have such a profound, positive impact on your wellbeing.Confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out information that supports our pre-existing beliefs. In other words, we form an opinion first and then seek out evidence to back it up, rather than basing our opinions on facts.Conservatism bias. This bias leads people to believe that pre-existing information takes precedence over new information. Dont be quick to reject something just because its radical or different. Great ideas usually are.The ostrich effect. The ostrich effect is aptly named after the fact that ostriches, when scared, literally bury their heads in the ground. This effect describes our tendency to hide from impending problems. We may not physically bury our heads in the ground, but we might as well. For example, if your company is experiencing layoffs, youre having relationship issues, or you receive negative feedback, its common to attempt to push all these problems away, rather than to face them head on. This doesnt work and simply delays the inevitable.Reactance. Reactance is our tendency to react to rules and regulations by exercising our freedom. A prevalent example of this is children with overbearing parents. Tell a teenager to do what you say because you told them so, and theyre very likely to start breaking your rules. Similarly, employees who feel mistreated or B ig Brothered by their employers are more likely to take longer breaks, extra sick days, or even steal from their company.The halo effect. The halo effect occurs when someone creates a strong first impression and that impression sticks. This is extremely noticeable in grading. For example, often teachers grade a students first paper, and if its good, are prone to continue giving them high marks on future papers even if their performance doesnt warrant it. The same thing happens at work and in personal relationships.The horn effect. This effect is the exact opposite of the halo effect. When you perform poorly at first, you can easily get pegged as a low-performer even if you work hard enough to disprove that notion.Planning fallacy. Planning fallacy is the tendency to think that we can do things more quickly than we actually can. For procrastinators, this leads to incomplete work, and this makes type-As overpromise and underdeliver.The bandwagon effect. The bandwagon effect is the ten dency to do what everyone else is doing. This creates a kind of groupthink, where people run with the first idea thats put onto the table instead of exploring a variety of options. The bandwagon effect illustrates how we like to make decisions based on what feels good (doing what everyone else is doing), even if theyre poor alternatives.Bias blind spot. If you begin to feel that youve mastered your biases, keep in mind that youre most likely experiencing the bias blind spot. This is the tendency to see biases in other people but not in yourself.Bringing it all togetherRecognizing and understanding bias is invaluable because it enables you to think more objectively and to interact more effectively with other people.Which of these biases have you experienced? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.Thisarticlefirst appeared on LinkedIn.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Gen X Lawyers in the Legal Workplace

richtung X Lawyers in the Legal WorkplaceGen X Lawyers in the Legal WorkplaceIf theTraditionalistswere the loyal builders, and theBaby Boomerswere the competitive, self-actualizing, workaholics, Generation X is the misunderstood slacker generation. Characteristics of Generation X Generation X was born between 1965 and 1980, and its members are currently 34 to 49 years old. The least wanted, least parented generation in recent history, Gen X is both 25% smaller than the Baby Boomer generation that preceded it and 25% smaller than the Millennial/Gen Y generation that follows it. Gen X is the product of the economic bust that followed the post-World War II boom, resulting in a generation with lowered expectations, but- arguably- a more realistic understanding of the world than the idealistic Baby Boomers. Gen Xers grew up in a world wheredivorce was becoming normal,women were entering the workplace in record numbers, globalization was accelerating, and downward mobility was commonpl ace. Workplace loyalty was a relic of the past - Gen Xers knew better than to rely on one company or employer for a lifetime of employment. That simply wasnt going to happen. Because they grew up as the latchkey generation, Gen Xers came to rely on friends as family, and, eventually, demanded work-life balance in ways that were foreign to the workaholic Boomers and Traditionalists, who worked long hours, but were richly rewarded for their efforts. Gen Xers saw things differently- why work long hours and dedicate your life to a single employer when the factory might close and get shipped overseas, or the company might decide to downsize to increase profits? Gen X was also a generation raised on technology, making them potentially a bridge between Boomers and Traditionalists, who tend to view technology with suspicion, and the Millennials, who are so steeped in it that they cant imagine anyonenotknowing how to use the latest gadgets or apps. A typical member of Gen X remembers seeing email and the internet for the first time- and rapidly realizing the possibilities for what it could do (including reducing the need for dreaded face time and meetings). How Gen X Values are Impacting the Legal Workplace When Gen X entered the workplace, they were immediately, and not entirely fairly, stereotyped as slackers. The reality, from the Gen X viewpoint, was simply that they saw through the game, and werent going to work long hours and do what they were told when there was no realistic prospect of advancement. The economy had slowed down dramatically by the early 1970s, andwage growth decoupled from productivity gains, meaning workers werent benefiting from increased productivity as they had in years past. At the saatkorn time, inflation and interest rates skyrocketed, as did consumer and student debt. (Student loans almost doubled between 1977 and 1990 and more than 40% of the graduating class of 1990 had a job that didnt require a college degree or no job at all.) B ecause the Baby Boomer generation was so much larger than Gen X, opportunities for advancement were slim, meaning lower-level employees often had to jump ship to advance. Law firms also closed ranks and upped the requirements for partnership (especially after theAmerican Lawyerstarted openly publishing profits-per-partner numbers in 1985.) Gen X wasnt eager to put in the face time that Boomers and Traditionalists valued, and tried to negotiate new work-life balance options (not entirely successfully, given their relatively small workplace numbers). Gen Xers also found themselves frustrated at the seeming inability of law firms and other legal employers to use technology to streamline work and increase flexibility. These trends have continued, as the newMillennial/Gen Y generationenters the legal workforce and reshapes it in their image.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Prices Law Why only a few people generate half of the results

Prices Law Why only a few people generate half of the resultsPrices Law Why only a few people generate half of the resultsAt my first sales job, I had about 25 colleagues who did the same work. After the first month, I elendiced something peculiar.Only 4 of my co-workers brought in more than half of the total sales. I was 17 years old at the time, and I had no idea why that was. These folks were the superstars on the floor - the untouchables.Little did I know that this relation holds true for almost everything in business. Its called Prices square root law, and it originates from academia.Value creation is not symmetricDerek Price, who was a British physicist, historian of science, and information scientist, discovered something about his peers in academia. He noticed that there were always a handful of people who dominated the publications within a subject.Price found out the following (now called Prices law)50% of the work is done by the square root of the total number of people w ho participate in the work.In my example, that means 5 people (square root of 25) should bring in 50% of the sales. That means Prices law is pretty accurate. On my floor, 4 people brought in about 50%-60% of the sales.After my first job, I noticed the same ratio at every single company Ive worked with. The contrast was the biggest when I worked in London for a major corporation, where top sales performers were rewarded big.Again, the number of people who were rewarded were the square root of the total salespeople. Its also true for our family business. In every workplace, the relationship between value and people is asymmetric.Only a handful of people are responsible for the majority of the value creation. Its very similar to the Pareto principle (the difference is that Price looked at the relationship between people and the work they produced).I didnt know about Prices law until recently when I watched a lecture by Dr. Jordan Peterson, psychology professor, and author of 12 Rules F or Life.What are the implications?In his lecture, Peterson talks about how only a few authors dominate book sales. He mentions Stephen King, whos been dominating top charts for decades. Hes sold more than 350 million books.J.K. Rowling has sold more than 400 million books. If you look at the number of books sold in a year, youll probably see the ratio described by Prices law. Only a few authors (out of hundreds of thousands of authors) are responsible for 50% of the sales. But thats more like Paretos principle.Anyway, lets not compare theories. These theories and laws are often just that - they are nothing more than models. Lets look at the implications.Academics and intellectual bloggers love to dissect the world from their leather desk chairs, drinking their Voss water. They love to explain how the world works.Look, we dont have the time to study all the 1419 mental models that exist. We still have to put on our clothes every morning and work, so we can pay the bills. But thats a lso not a productive way to live.Yes, you cant sit in your ivory tower and criticize the world. But you also should not criticize unfairness while youre working hard to earn your money. We get it, lifes not easy.And theories like Prices law are merely ideas - not facts. They dont hold up in every single situation. So before the pretentious idiots go out and theorize about all the limitations of Prices theory, lets stop and think about what we can learn.Because understanding the underlying idea of Prices law can make your life a lot easier.Look at your current profession. Are you in a position to create substantial value? If the answer is no, move on to a different place where you CAN.Become very good at what you do. Thats the only way you can provide value. We must be realistic. There are no shortcuts. It takes time to be good - let alone be great.Similarly, companies should hire more A-players whove already made asymmetric contributions to other businesses in the past.Thats one o f the most important business lessons Ive learned by simply observing the minority that creates the most value.Do something youre good atThats the best career advice one can get. Peter Drucker said it for decades. And when you do something youre good at, you can provide more value.I apply this advice all the time. For example, I can provide more value at my family business than at a major corporation. I can also provide more value on my blog instead of, lets say, YouTube.When you provide more value, you feel better, positiv youll earn more. Not a bad side-effect of doing great work.Look, life is not symmetric nor linear. Only a few people in every domain are responsible for half of the results. Weve established that by now.Hence, find the domain you can be the important minority - youll also get the majority of the benefits. Then, let me know if your life isnt better.Do you want to hear more thoughts on Prices Law? ? Listen to my podcast episode about it.This article first appeared on

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Four ways to enjoy the first day of summer

Four ways to enjoy the first day of summerFour ways to enjoy the first day of summerNewsflash Its HOT outIf your weather has been anything like ours in New York City lately, you know that summer is well on its way In fact, the first day of summeris this week.As nice as it would be to have off that day, if you dont, heres how to enjoy it - even if youre not relaxing at the beach on vacation somewhere.Wear something summery to work but still be professionalCertain wardrobe pieces, like cropped pants for men and headbands for women, can make the right statement this summer. But you dont want to be that employee wearing flip-flops or super-sheer tops all day.Either way, wearing something professional that actually embraces the warmer weather is a good way to remind yourself that its summer vacation season.So departure feeling festive, and start planning something if you havent already - whether its a staycation at home or a long weekend with friends.Put a plant on your deskCertain ind oor office plants can make you feel better and clean your air - so give the peace lily, Barberton daisy or spider plant a try, among others.Youll also have something to look at and tend to, which can be a nice distraction from all the work you have to do, even though warmer temperatures are practically screaming at you to leave your desk.Its like bringing a piece of the great outdoors inside the office.Go on a walk outsideResearch has found that spending time outdoors in greenery improves how you feel about yourself more than spending time in spaces that arent naturally occurring.So take a walk before you start feeling overwhelmed, a headache hits, or another massive folder of assignments lands on your desk for the second time this week.Watching other people enjoy the summer weather outside is bound to remind you that an entire world exists outside your workplace - you just have to hurry up and finish your work so you can join them.Treat yourself to ice cream or frozen yogurt afte r workYou cant go wrong with a cool treat once business hours have come and gone. But if ice cream, frozen yogurt or Italian ice just arent cutting it for you, consider planning a happy hour with friends or coworkers in the spirit of the new season.Since the first day of summer falls on a Thursday this year, you might as well get your weekend started a little bit early.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Email when Sending Resume and What You Should Do Today

Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of schmelzglas when Sending Resume and What You Should Do Today Though its quick and simple to send an email, it doesnt signify you should write anything under a thorough cover letter focused on why you are an excellent match for the job youre applying for. Depending on the number of candidates have applied youre able to either create an exact general template at which you can basically send out an automobile reply as is, or a little more personalized version with the candidates name. Remember also you have the cover letter to spell out why youre the perfect candidate. A cover letter is the initial point of contact, and it ought to be perfect. The Little-Known Secrets to Email when Sending Resume Yet another tip, always remember to produce your whole job application relevant and specific to the job that youre attempting to land. Additional the resume could have an opportunity to display each and each of your own work there. There a re steps that you may take to make your resume email stick out from the rest. Writing a perfect resume email is only a fraction of all of the situations you must keep in mind before you click send. Keep in mind, youre not creating a duplicate of your CV. Youre able to find more details on formal writing here. Resumes are usually categorized by the way in which the info is presented. The tips above ought to help you craft the ideal email subject when submitting a work application or following up. How to Find Email when Sending Resume Online You might not know the hiring manager, but you probably know somebody who does. Therefore, you must have an official approach to writing your email job application. You found the person that you need to recruit. More frequently than not, a particular contact person is named in the work description. When youre asking for work, you must always send a resume and cover letter. Youre asking for a particular job. If youre rejecting work app lication, for example, give a genuine reason behind it and encourage the recipient to apply for different positions. Sending work application is critical for landing a work interview. Ok, I Think I Understand Email when Sending Resume, Now Tell Me About Email when Sending Resume There are lots of resume examples on the net, so all you must do is search for them. The worth of networking is crucial. There are in fact loads of resume making software programs to pick from. Whatever the case, its important to give the context in your messaging to make sure the recipient understands the aim of the forwarded resume. Get the Scoop on Email when Sending Resume Before Youre Too Late Bear in mind that when you dont stick to the employers instructions, your application might not be considered. You could also attempt to figure out the name and title of the individual to whom you will be mailing your application. If you dont know the name of the contact person, research his name on the world wide web or call the firm. Also, its extremely important your own email id appears professional. In any event, youve met your objective of getting your resume before a true individual. You could indicate that someone else might be better suited to help them, or you might obey the request whilst letting the verbiage of your accompanying email enable you to stay indifferent. In fact, in the majority of instances, people dont write rejection letters whatsoever. You should get your cover letter facing the folks that are doing the hiring. Dont use HTML or other formatting options as you dont know which email client is used by the recruiter. Basic resumes typically have an extremely classic and conventional tone. There is an assortment of steps involved with sending a resume via email. Your resume email needs to be short and sweet. While negotiating your salary sometimes happens over the telephone, you can prepare the conversation via email so that it doesnt go undiscuss ed. When its by email, you might be advised concerning what format you need to use for your resume, what things to include in the topic line of the email message, and by once the employer should receive it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why No One Is Discussing Information Technology Resume Writing Services Reviews and What You Need to be Doing Today

Why No One Is Discussing Information Technology Resume Writing Services Reviews and What You Need to be Doing Today The Information Technology Resume Writing Services Reviews Chronicles The author features motivation and inspiration for people who dont know where to begin with their job applications. Not every writer offers rush services. Your resume writer will request that you send them links to any roles you want to submit an application for. Your own personal writer will allow you to create a modern resume, dependent on your career story and meeting all of the high standards of your industry. At one point you might discover yourself overloaded with the variety of skills you might have and that is perfectly okay. Lots of people dont like their existing job or career. The reply is 6 seconds for the very first pass. Your comments also indicate a good deal. Resume writing requires critical thinking and a lot of creativity regarding the way the info should flow, what the messaging ought to be and the way the resume ought to be designed from modest to modern. Make sure to take a peek at our totally free expert letter samples to get the significant pointers for the specific letter youve got to craft. The good thing is that the best resume writers arent necessarily the priciest ones. Naturally, you wish to earn a good one. Now there are a number of occasions where you might need to do a total rewrite like if youre contemplating changing careers or youre from another nation, like India, which has different resume standards. The Little-Known Secrets to Information Technology Resume Writing Services Reviews Now have a look at your information technology resume. When you compare various reviews, you will be able to discover the top resume services that satisfy your standards. Where information is easily available. Elect for that service, which you are able to depend on and Paperhelp org is exactly what you desire. Clients can make sure that thei r private information wont ever be shared with third parties. A proposal letter to give service is written by way of a company to another company when theyre ready to supply their services to another business. If you see a service we havent evaluated, dont hesitate to drop us a katechese and were going to look it over once possible. If you would like to perk your site or wish to make your blog, you can see our websites and contact on the mentioned numbers. Its possible for you to dont hesitate to speak to us. Scannable resumes need specific page designs because computer scanners cant read certain products. Even if your information is in bullet format, it may still be hard to quickly recognize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the possible employer. Be subtle in doing this, however, nor overdo or make it appear obvious. Functional resumes mean to highlight your particular abilities and accomplishments that have been demonstrated through spec ific work related achievements. Information Technology Resume Writing Services Reviews at a Glance In summary, resume services and resume writers that are simple to work with. If you want to discover the skilled support of specialists, then get in touch with us. The service will meet with the deadline and all you have to do is check your e-mail. Our service tests a large number of businesses.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter

How to Build Your Personal Brand on TwitterHow to Build Your Personal Brand on TwitterYouve heard that its important to have a LinkedIn profile so that recruiters can find your work experience. You also know that you have to set your Facebook privacy settings so that recruiters dont find your pictures from college. But have you heard that you should build a professional Twitter account so that recruiters can find your career interests and thoughts? According to Jobvites 2015 Recruiter land Study 47 percent of recruiters use Twitter to find potential candidates. Here are five easy ways to use Twitter effectively to build your professional brandYour Twitter handle is not a AOL screen name.While Twitter may feel like an opportunity to express your interests, its best to keep your handle as close to your name as possible. Save the enthusiasm and creativity for your actual tweets.Professional pictures only please.Think of your Twitter account as an extension of your resume. You wouldnt ha nd a recruiter a picture of you rocking your bikini on the beach or enjoying the nightlife scene. Choose a simple headshot so that your face is recognizable and memorable. Ditto with your cover photo as well. Keep it classy and create a Twitter profile that youd be proud for your grandmother to see.Treat your bio as your resume.The beauty of Twitter is that users are forced to share their thoughts concisely. The same is true with your Twitter bio. You have 160 characters to tell the world who you are and what youre all about. Use that space wisely and highlight your professional interests. A good place to start is to highlight organizations youve worked for (tagging their Twitter handle of course), any schools youve attended and what kinds of opportunities youre interested in.Follow influencers in your field or industry.Its all about who you know, or in the case of Twitter, its all about who you follow. In order to have a truly effective professional Twitter account its important to be a part of the conversation. If youre interested in being in marketing, look for people making themselves known for their marketing prowess, or follow the entrepreneurs you most look up to. Its probably best to stay away from controversial celebrities or too many parody accounts.Be a person.Its easy to scroll through the plethora of information, news and thoughts on Twitter and simply favorite and retweet what you read. However, who likes to read a robotic log of someone elses thoughts? Nobody. The best way to increase your following and grow your influence is to share original and unique thoughts as well as content. Stand out by being you.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cal professor, Great at Work author, says do less to achieve more

Cal professor, Great at Work author, says do less to achieve moraCal professor, Great at Work author, says do less to achieve moreWhen he first started his career, Morten Hansen was a consultant who thought working up to ninety hours a week was the secret to success. But as the management professor at University of California, Berkeley, details in his new book Great at Work How Top Performers Do Less, Work Better, And Achieve More, overworking himself was not working.Instead, Hansen noticed that his consultant coworker Natalie was outperforming him even though she never worked late and had a normal work-life balance. The secret to Natalies success was part of the genesis for Hansens five-year survey study on 5,000 employees and managers. As part of the study, Hansen recruited people across diverse careers, including store managers, plant foremen, brokers, lawyers, and engineers, to complete work habits surveys on themselves, their anfhreres, and their subordinates. Here are the resea rch-backed tips he shared with Ladders on how the top performers in these fields are able to get more out of doing less, so that we can do the saatkornSurvey The hardest hustlers arent necessarily the best workersHansens quantitative results found that if you work more than 50 hours, your job performance plateaus. In fact, if you work more than 65 hours a week, your performance and productivity sharply declines.What he discovered debunks the belief that working long, crazy hours leads to better work. If you want to be really great at your career, do not fall into the trap of thinking that being busy - volumes of activity - is the same as accomplishment, Hansen told Ladders. The number of meetings you go to, the number of frequent flier miles you rack up flying on your job, the number of business trips you take, the number of phone calls you make, the number of customer visits you make, the number of emails you send - these are not accomplishments, they are just activities. The qu estion is what are the results of those activities? Thats where we need to have a mental shift.On how we need to be selectively obsessiveInstead of boxing ourselves into the do more, then stress group of workers, Hansen wants us to become do less, then obsess kind of workers. Backed by qualitative and quantitative data from his 96-item survey, Hansens recommendations go beyond the usual work smarter advice of starting a calendar and being better at delegating and prioritizing. Hansen found that the top performers were not just working less, but they were obsessively focused on the value they created with the hours they worked.If I focus on the work that creates the most value to my organization, and I do these exceptionally well, thats going to get noted. That is going to stand out as exceptional work. That is what the data says, and I see it time and again, Hansen said.Hansens book shares the cautionary tale of a Hewlett-Packard engineer who wasted hours of his day writing a quarte rly project status report that was read by no one in the research department. He had met his goal according to his job description, but he had contributed zero value, Hansen said. But if you want to climb the ladders of a career, you need to do more that just accomplish goals- you need to find and meet goals that matter to your organizations success.On why follow your passion is not enoughIn Hansens study, employees who were able to match passion with purpose scored 18 points higher in their performance than passionless and purposeless employees. But if you feel like youre in a dead-end job with no passion, quitting is not the only answer to finding meaning in your work.Hansen said that we should expand our definition of what passion is beyond enjoying everything about our job. Maybe, you relish the sense of competition, or you enjoy collaborating with your teammates, or maybe you love creative problem solving. Take those different passions and see if you can find areas at work wher e you can do that little by little, Hansen recommends. If you like learning and development, try to get into some training seminarsIn other words, you start maneuvering yourself. In most jobs, there is some room for maneuveringWe found people who could do this.On how to stop a boss who is overworking youWe may want to individually apply Hansens lessons, but may also feel constrained by managers who demand more and more of our time. But taking every opportunity that you are assigned will not serve you well, Hansen found. Being a yes-person is a great way to underperform, Hansen said. When your boss piles on stuff on you, and you say yes you start producing substandard work.To stop your work from suffering, Hansen said that you need to be assertive and set boundaries with your boss.You dont say no I dont want to take on this assignment, Hansen said about how you broach the conversation. Instead, he suggests telling them Youre giving me a new task to do and I just want to sit down with you to go through the priority list. Of these priorities, which one do you want me to do first and concentrate on? Now, we have a dialogue. Youre putting it back on the boss.In his book, Hansen details the story of James, a junior management consultant, who was able to successfully get his work partner to back off from piling on more work when he told him frankly that,The merger project requires all my attention for the next three weeks, and there is no slack in the schedule. The key is to deliver the best quality, so we will need some more people on the merger project if you want me to help with the sales bid. The honest conversation required James to be assertive about his needs and attentive to the value he created for his gamble to work.The bottom lineThese lessons on focus, and matching passion with purpose, and tactfully saying no show us that being great at work does not depend on bosses and coworkers. It starts with us realizing that we have agency and power over our career s to make each workday matter.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Job Tips for the Recent College Graduate

Job Tips for the Recent College GraduateJob Tips for the Recent College GraduateWhether you will graduate this semester or have been looking for a job since last May, incorporate these five tips into your job-search strategy so youll be on the right track.Perfect your personal brandInvest in a professional resume thats designed to highlight your relevant skills and make it past the electronic gatekeepers. Clean up your online presence by increasing the security settings on any profile dedicated for personal use, and updating or building out your professional profiles to align with your resume.Harness the power of 3Use multiple methods to uncover job leads both published and hidden. This includes applying to online job postings, utilizing your personal and professional network, and reaching out to relevant recruiters.Nurture your networkYou are 10 times more likely to land an interview when you have an employee referral with your application. Expand your network by joining and active ly participating in online and face-to-face groups related to your target industry and line of work. This will also help you uncover potential job opportunities.Master the informational interviewAs your network grows, seek out professionals who work in your targeted industry or company and take them out for a cup of coffee to pick their brain. The more you learn about the industry and its hiring practices, the better prepared you will be for the job search.Fill in the gapsIf youre unemployed and looking for work, consider seeking out volunteer or internship opportunities where you can use your degree and gain relevant experience in your desired field. This will help you build your resume, grow your network, and it may lead to more permanent work.